How it works

1. Submit a Track

We feature 3 new tracks every day and artists can submit 3 tracks a month.

2. Get Upvoted

Send your fans to your track page to vote it up.

3. Gain New Fans

Top tracks win awards and are featured on our weekly email & playlist.


How often can I launch on TrackList?

You can submit as many times as you like but users are limited to one track every 10 days to give everyone a chance to share music and get heard.

Is TrackList free?

Submitting a track is 100% free.

Why launch on TrackList?

TrackList was build with one idea in mind, to help artists get heard by more people. It is an energised community of music lovers who are as excited to share their own music as their are to hear others. By launching on TrackList you are getting in front of real people who have valuable feedback and fans of their own to help you grow.

Who should use TrackList?

Anyone who makes music can use TrackList! We encourage artists at all stages of their career to sign up and start sharing their music. We are on a mission to expand the listening base of music lovers and to help them discover their new favourite tracks. As long as you have an active Spotify account and access to your Spotify artist profile then you are good to go!

How do I submit a track?

Start by creating an account, then follow the steps to verify your Spotify artist account. TrackList will then allow you to feature any of your own music. Choose the track you want to share and submit it to feature on the platform. We will send you a message a few days before it is due to feature so you can encourage your fans to come on the platform and vote to make you 'track of the day'.

How will I get noticed?

The TrackList homepage displays a list of submitted tracks for each day. The tracks will order by the number of upvotes since the track was featurd. If you share with your fans that you are live on TrackList and ask as many of them to vote for you then you could reach the top of the TrackList for that day, week or month. By doing so will feature you at the top of the homepage as well as on our digest emails.

No business accounts

We’re a person-to-person community and we value authenticity and talking to real people. We don’t allow company or brand accounts to post products or comment. Isn’t it better to hear from the artists of your favorite track?